Design and Implementation of a Global Positioning System (GPS) for Constraint-Free Applications

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F. Gesa Newton
A. D. Onojah
E. N. Taddy
Terwase I. Aondona


The implementation and evaluation of a GPS/GSM module for positioning, tracking, and remote communication applications are examined in this work. The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) provides precise location and timing information through a network of satellites. Specifically, the study focuses on the performance of a SIM808 GPS/GSM module in various operational conditions and constraints. Trilateration tests were conducted at twelve locations, revealing a time-to-first-fix (TTFF) ranging from 102.4 to 163.2 seconds; position differentiation accuracy, as determined by the Haversine Equation, indicated deviations of up to 7.52% in constrained scenarios; altitude measurements exhibited an error of about 4.14 meters, while lateral distance differentiation indicated deviations of up to 30.99% in specific instances. The deviations affecting the efficacy of the module are such as signal strength, satellite visibility, and receiver quality. Thus, the findings highlight the module's potential for applications requiring remote monitoring, control, and IoT deployments. Further improvements and considerations for practical implementations are suggested based on the outcomes of the evaluation.


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How to Cite
Newton, F. G., Onojah, A. D., Taddy, E. N., & Aondona, T. I. (2024). Design and Implementation of a Global Positioning System (GPS) for Constraint-Free Applications. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 33(1), 184–193.


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