Review of Geoelectrical Methods in Geophysical Exploration

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Wilfred Nwabueze Igboama
M. T. Aroyehun
J. O. Amosun
O. S. Ayanda
O. S. Hammed
J. A. Olowofela


In geoelectric methods, with the exception of self potential current is introduced into the ground or on the surface to study the differences of the electrical property of the materials beneath the earth. The current injected generates potential variations arising from the inhomogeneity of the subsurface that is measured. Geophysical methods applied in the investigation of earth’s subsurface provide a relatively fast and cheaper means of getting information coverage of large expanse subsurface geology. Geoelectric method is adjudged the most suitable, efficient and economical method in subsurface investigation. It is presently employed in archeology, hydrology, mineral exploration, environmental and engineering investigations. The present review is aimed at reviewing geoelectric methods applied in geophysical exploration. The paper provides us with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, applications, and potentials of the geoelectrical methods. The advantages and challenges of different geoelctrical techniques were also discussed. The review also considered the recent developments and future perspectives in geoelectric surveys due to modern instrumentation, surveys designs, computer and software applications that have made a lot of improvements and changes in geoelectric investigations.  The various results highlighted by different researchers have revealed the applicability of most of the geoelectric methods in geophysical explorations.


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Igboama, W. N., Aroyehun, M. T., Amosun, J. O., Ayanda, O. S., Hammed, O. S., & Olowofela, J. A. (2023). Review of Geoelectrical Methods in Geophysical Exploration. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(3), 141–158. Retrieved from
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