DRASTIC Index Mapping for Identifying Areas of High Aquifer Pollution Risk in a Mechanic Village: A Case Study of Reclaimed Nekede Mechanic Village Owerri, Imo State Nigeria
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The DRASTIC index mapping was used to investigate areas of high aquifer pollution risk in Reclaimed Nekede Mechanic Village Owerri, Nigeria. A total of six vertical electrical soundings were probed within the study area to obtain data on the depth to water table, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadoze zone and hydraulic conductivity. These seven parameters are denoted by the acronym, DRASTIC, a widely used technique for assessing groundwater vulnerability to pollution based on the hydrogeological settings of the area. The deduced DRASTIC parameters were used to map the groundwater vulnerability of the study area. The mapping shows that the location Near Otamiri River is an area of low vulnerability to pollution and the locations Along Church Road and Erosion Site are areas of moderate vulnerability to pollution. The rest of the locations within the study area have high vulnerability. The study concluded that the groundwater reserve is at a high risk of contamination due to the disposition of the hydrogeological environment of the area.
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