Evaluating the Dielectric Characteristics of Tissues: A Relationship Between Low Frequency Range and Dryness
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The electromagnetic modeling of the human body requires basic parameters, which are characteristics of biological tissues. This review aims at assessing the dielectric characteristics of tissues at varying frequency, temperature and noting the dehydration effect. Using the Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome: PICO as an evidence base practice formula, the review question, “Will exposure to low frequency electromagnetic fields modify the dielectric characteristics of tissues with moisture content much from those that are not exposed?” was broken into key concepts to aid in the search for articles. Findings about the dielectric properties of biological tissues were investigated, taking into account a number of pertinent factors such as the tissues under examination, their temperature, their frequency range, and their level of dryness. Using search engines like Google Scholar, Research Gate, and Science Direct, a preferred reporting item for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) flow chart illustrates how publications within the last two decades plus were found and reviewed. The review's findings highlighted several of the study's weaknesses, including the dehydration effect; scant or not reported and the frequency, where there has been less research conducted at lower frequencies. It was also observed that a low database on dielectric characteristics was typically present in some tissues, regardless of their sensitivity level. Lastly, research that is critical to the development of human body modeling in the future is reviewed
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